Finishing strong: December 2019

2019 has been an exciting yet overwhelming year, I have experienced so many things for the first time this year, I closed old chapters of my life and walked into a new one, I also lost people this year. But nevertheless, this year has been another milestone for advancement.

Excited girl on swing

One of my new year’s resolution for 2019 was that I wouldn’t finish this year the same way I started it, and no matter what I would make sure I make some kind of improvement to various areas of my existence. And although the change I want really did not come as fast as I had hoped, there are still some things on my new year’s bucket list I am yet to tick off, I still got 30 days to make things right.

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Some of the things which had made it’s way to my bucket list were

  • Me finally being able to relieve some of the financial support burdens I place on my parents by starting to earn an income of my own, even if it’s coffee money, I’ll be turning 20 this year and I think my parents have done sufficiently.
  • Ultimately find my health and stop being so sick all the time.
  • Gift myself a new physique that I’ll be proud of. I even had a measurement that I want, 84-58-87 bust, waist, and hip respectively. I am currently at 84-60-89. I didn’t have an ideal weight because I’m more of a body proportion kind of girl rather than weight.
  • Monetizing my blog was also one of my new year’s resolution because I couldn’t afford to do so. However, tomorrow I’ll be ticking that off my list, so I’m excited!
  • Overcoming a 10-year depression also ranked on my list, however, although I am still yet to gain full success, I am definitely heading somewhere.

This year is chose to be more devoted to following my passions, I also made a resolution to finally settle down on a particular career, but that was not as easy as I thought it would be. nevertheless, I will trust the process and let my natural inclinations and interest lead the way.

African beauty portrait

I know a lot of people tend to abandon their new year’s resolutions after January, but having one month left to go for 2019 you can still make the decision to make things happen, no matter how small it is. By doing this, you are not conquered by the year and old habits. sure there are resolutions that overtime into, you realize that they just aren’t what you need, like this year I made a resolution to go vegetarian, but my body just did not go down with that.

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So you take honest stock of what needs to change in your life and make a conscious effort to bring about any sort of change before the year runs out, keeping in mind that whatever you want is in the now, and not somewhere in the future.

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